How Do I Apply?            

By visiting our website at https://www.osoamil.org/showers and selecting the appropriate program for your needs.

What are the shower dates? 

The most current information on our already scheduled events can be found  on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OSOAmil

Where are showers held?

We currently have events in Southern California,  Nevada, and Arizona.  We add showers thru out the US as we get shower coordinators for those areas.  We are always looking for new areas to host events as well.   To host an OSOA event in your area, please contact us at Info@osoamil.org

What if there is not a shower event in my area?

We have other programs available to families located outside of the areas our events are currently held.  More information on our Baby Care Package Program can be found using this link https://www.osoamil.org/showers/babycarepackage

How do I register for assistance? 

Once your initial registration form has been completed https://www.osoamil.org/showers and received you are registered.  As long as all requirements have been completed, we will place you into an event within your area.

How do I know if I’ve been accepted?

You will receive a Congratulations email from OSOA.  Our emails are time sensitive, please be sure to check your spam box regularly if you have registered. 

Who do you assist?

OSOA assists our Nation’s Military, First Responders, and their families.  Active Duty, Reserves (E1-E8 and O1, all higher ranking members will be considered on a case by case basis), Wounded Warriors, and Veterans for all of our regular programs.  Emergency Assistance is available at this time to all of our First Responders and their families.

How can I volunteer?

Visit our website and complete a volunteer application. https://www.osoamil.org/volunteer  We love to have volunteers and have many positions that can be filled from day of events to administrative tasks.  We are a 100% volunteer and donation based organization and offer no paid positions at this time.  https://www.osoamil.org/volunteer/volunteer-application

How do I make a donation?

You can make an online donation through PayPal directly from our website https://www.osoamil.org/donations and our donation wish list at https://www.osoamil.org/donations/needs.  Our mailing and shipping addresses can also be found on these links.

What programs do you offer?

A complete list of our services can be found using this link https://www.osoamil.org/showers

If your question was not answered here, please contact us at Info@osoamil.org with any specific questions or needs you may have.  Thank you for your support.


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